YKI in hand
YKI test preparation course
Whom is the course for?
For those who are planning to take YKI Intermediate test in the coming 6 months. Minimum starter level necessary to take part in the course is the advanced A2/beginner B1.
How do I know my level of knowledge is suitable to take the course?
Choose “See text samples” and read the texts. If you understand 80% or more of the texts, but think you won’t be able to say or write like this, your command is most likely high enough to take the course.
If you understand less than 60% of the texts and are not sure whether you understood the gist of the texts, this might mean your command of knowledge is not enough to take the course at the moment, and preparation for the test won’t be effective enough.
What does the course include?
At the course you will learn:
About the structure of the exam: what tasks are included in each part
About non-language related answer strategies: what is important and what isn’t for an answer
Structure of answering at oral and written parts: what parts and cliches to use to build texts
You will also learn:
- to build spoken and written answers in accordance with the task;
- feel the time, assigned for the task, distribute efforts;
- react to questions quicker;
- be more confident and resilient in the limited time answer situations;
How long does the course last?
The program of the course is designed for seven weeks. Each week we work on a new text type. You will need a minimum 30 minutes of working with the course every weekday. One hour a day is ideal. Every person has their own starter level. Someone might need more time to absorb the knowledge. This is ok too. Someone will digest the material quicker. You can do the tasks at any time convenient for you. You are not bound neither to a group nor to a timetable. Curator replies during 24 hours. You can join the course any time! |
You can join the course any time!
7 weeks 1 hour a day
Where are the materials of the course stored?
Course materials are stored in a personal account of Kristina Salmela’s online school on the platform Getcourse. On payment you receive access to texts, audio and video in your personal account. The access lasts 180 days from the moment of purchase. You can download PDF versions of the texts translated into English.
Instructions, tasks and all course contents related materials are translated into English or voiced over in plain Finnish language. However navigation in your personal account is in Russian. For your convenience, instructions on how to navigate were made in English. Curators will help you with technical difficulties.
What do I need to take the course?
You can take the course both on the computer or mobile phone. You will need Telegram messenger installed on your mobile phone if you are taking the course on smartphone, and on your computer if you are taking the course on computer. We recommend using both.
In messenger you will join the support chat and will contact the curator and other course participants.
Course structure
72 texts
35 exercises x 60 min
curator corrects 17 tasks
First 5 weeks are devoted to oral speech and the last five weeks - to written speech. Division into oral and written speech is very relative, as topics from the oral part might be used in the written part and vice versa.
Week 1
Week 1
Emotional reactions, warm-up
10 texts translated into English and voiced by a native speaker + exercises
The curator checks three texts
PDF with phrases for emotional reactions
Week 2
Week 2
10 dialogs translated into English and voiced by a native speaker + exercises
The curator checks three dialogs you send
Week 3
Week 3
10 dialogs translated into English and voiced by a native speaker + exercises
The curator checks three situations you send
Week 4
Week 4
10 monologues translated into English and voiced by a native speaker + exercises
The curator checks two monologues you send
Week 5
Week 5
Reasoned opinion
10 reasoned opinions translated into English and voiced by a native speaker + exercises
The curator checks one reasoned opinion you send
Week 6
Week 6
Short written texts
17 short written texts translated into English + exercises:
E-mail to your friend / informal text
Ad/ note/ text message
Formal/ semi-formal e-mail
Essay in response to the text
PDF cliсhes for the written part
The curator checks three short written texts you send
Week 7
Week 7
Long written texts - essays
5 essays translated into English + exercises
The curator checks one essay you send
What about “understanding a text” and “listening comprehension”?
The course doesn’t contain separate units on understanding a text and listening comprehension, because all language competencies are interconnected. By working with the texts you will enhance vocabulary and it will be easier to understand written texts at the exam.
Texts of first five weeks are voiced over by native speakers. Listening to these parts regularly will help comprehend oral speech better. Themes of all exam parts are the same. Same theme might be found in any of the four parts of the exam: listening comprehension, speaking, reading or writing.
Course teachers
Kristina Salmela
course creator
Veronika German
course curator

Kristina, thank you so much for the course, it’s fantastic! There’s plenty of materials, so many everyday situations, I will be returning to the course even after YKI exam, because the material is 🔥🔥 Extra thanks for the presenting the information and clear explanations. How lucky are those who will be taking YKI exam, as the material is a treasure chest with useful information.👍👍

So much useful and essential information! I will look into to the course not once🧐 I already recommended the course to my friend, though he doesn’t have to take YKI, but the materials are so luxurious, none of other courses with native speakers had anything even close to that!

Kristina, huge thank you for such knowledge presentation! This is the preparation for YKI I dreamt about. I’m struggling with writing essays even in my mother tongue, and here there are so many examples and samples. I’m trying to memorize them. I will stay with you for a long time now. Finnish doesn’t come easy to me, but I hope I’ll nail it.

I’m so grateful for this course! Each phrase, each reply and piece of advice are worth their weight in gold. I took YKI preparation courses, and they hardly had a half of this information. And how many useful things - how to learn, how to demonstrate strengths and make it to the desired level

I’m very thankful for the course too. Thank you! Kristina is truly a super-teacher. Always there’s feedback, detailed answers, the material is excellent, presentation is sound.The team did their best)) Good luck to all taking the test
Conditions of participating
The course is a digital product and is non-returnable. By paying for the course you agree to the statement that the payment is non-refundable. Before you make a decision on purchase, estimate your abilities - do you have enough time for lessons, is your starter command of language enough for the course. The course is designed only for personal use. You cannot purchase it together with a friend. You cannot share the materials of the course with other people. Any distribution, copying, publication of the materials without the consent of the author is copyright offence and entails lifetime ban with no refunds. |
Course price
350 €
- Access to all course materials for 180 days
- The curator corrects written assignments within 60 days
- Downloadable PDF with course texts
- How to pay - watch this video before you proceed to payment. Click here!
Contact information/ Yhteystiedot
Toiminimi /
Sole proprietor info
Kristina SalmelaSuVen T.O.P.
Y-tunnus: 2622804-6
Iisakinkuja 15,
73100 Lapinlahti
Kaupan ehdot/ terms and conditions